Bubble Care

Use our creative gifts to look at problems differently in order to design new solutions and find new and innovative ways to use technology.

Managed Services

Zweck will help you gain a competitive edge by focusing on mission-critical tasks while taking care of all your IT requirements.


Moving towards a Cloud Strategy whether Private, Hybrid, or Public requires an adoption strategy to implement safely and effectively. Cloud adoption maximizes the value of your IT environment providing increased flexibility, resilience, and accessibility.

Disaster Recovery

Zweck's Disaster Recovery planning services will allow your mission critical data to be managed and recovered. Reducing the impact of corruption or data loss from human error, hardware failure, malware, or hacking.

Managed Backups

Backup Solutions can feature the public, private, or hybrid cloud for multiple copies of data in redundant, safe, and accessible locations. Immutable backups protect against ransomware and malicious activity.


Implementing a strong cybersecurity program is critical now more than ever. Zweck's security offerings can complement your existing IT staff and improve your overall security posture and protect your organizations critical data and infrastructure.


Modern Technology Solutions can accomplish amazing things, but only if they are working correctly. Zweck's team of experts helps organizations step back and assess their environment to ensure they are running optimally and achieving their top potential. Our workshops help organizations learn and engage with solutions to fully understand the technology and how it can be incorporated into their portfolio.